Her Unheard Screams – Part 1

But, even though she understood everything perfectly, she couldn’t help but crave for more…..

There was a girl of 13 named Karuna in a small village called Polampuri in northern Chattisgarh. She was tall, dark and had beautiful black eyes in which, if looked deeply, can get you lost in a completely different universe. She held a glint in her eye and had a softness in her heart. She was the eldest of her family – she had two brothers. One of 9 named Tarun and the other of 3 called Sonu. Her father was small merchant and her mother was a labourer who worked in a field. This left Karuna in charge of the house when her parents left for work and Tarun left for school. She had to cook and feed Sonu, who is not in school yet, but would start next year.

She liked her life. Her parents loved her. They were not like those who were of the thought that only boys could bring laurels to the family. She had two lovely brothers and she always felt good to be the eldest and take care of them. Everyday when her parents left for work, she would drown herself in her own thoughts after tucking Sonu to sleep. She was happy for her life, but this didn’t stop her from wondering how it would’ve been if she was allowed to go to school.

Karuna loved to study. She even knew some of the alphabets, thanks to Tarun, and she prides herself in it. She had the upper hand in her group of friends.

But…she craved for more.

She wanted to go to school and learn everything she could. But she couldn’t….and this was not her parents’ fault.

They wanted to send her to school the moment she showed interest in Tarun’s books. They didn’t matter about her age. There was a co-ed school nearby, which provided free education. This is the school which Tarun goes to and Sonu would go too in a matter of months. But they were scared. They were not a rich family. They were kind of like lower-middle class and earn just enough to provide 2 square meals for their kids. But no, money wasn’t the problem.

It was the society which bothered them.

They lived in a society where the education of girls was still considered taboo. They lived in a society where the sarpanch always promotes boys’ education but says that a girl’s place is in her kitchen. So, they were terrified of rejection. They were afraid that, maybe, the society would abandon them for going against the rules.

And Karuna understood that. Hence, she did not persist anymore. But even though she understood everything perfectly, she couldn’t help but crave for more, more English alphabets, more Mathematical tables and more knowledge. She had an ardent desire to go to school, which can never be fulfilled.

To be continued…

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